Doyenne Membership Conversion Info Session - Oct 28th

10/28/2020 12:00 to 10/28/2020 13:00 (US/Central)

Monona, United States


Your venture benefits

with doyenne benefits

In January 2020, Doyenne mourned the then-recently lost life of co-founder Amy Gannon, migrated to a new website & membership platform, and then pivoted into Covid-19 chaos along with you. If you were part of Doyenne prior to 2020 and are wondering... "Whaaaa? There's a new website? There's expanding membership benefits? There's a way for me to connect individually?"...

Chances are you're still paying for benefits and not receiving them. And chances are you got caught in the 2020 sandwich along with us. In this session, Jessica - Doyenne's Membership Experience Director, and Campbell - Doyenne's new Membership Coordinator from Marquette University will help you:

  • Navigate the new, venture-infusion membership benefits and platform technicalities to help you help your venture pivot and grow.

  • Switch your payment and membership profile over to the new platform. (should you so choose - no pressure)

  • Become reacquainted with not just Doyenne - but others in the network! Every connection takes you into your next path and phase.

Great stories begin with a phoenix heroine that rises from the ashes again and again. You're not alone AND. YOU. HAVE. RESOURCES. HERE. Doyenne now has over 20 various coaches at your growth rate, a learn-on-your-own-time Learning Lab, and a continuous way to CONNECT with others in the tribe.

The ecosystem is here - within the diatribe. How can we help you? How can you access them? How are you a part of this evolution of women entrepreneurs? 


From 10/28/2020 12:00
To 10/28/2020 13:00


Jessica Cohodes

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