Iso-Learning: Venture Structure Options
01/20/2022 13:00 to 01/20/2022 14:00 (US/Central)
United States
"It's all Legal jargon to Me"
Stephanie Melnick of Melnick & Melnick, S.C. will be introducing you to various business structures and answer your questions as to which is right for you.
You have the idea, business plan, and location, but have you nailed down the legal? We'll talk about options to structure your business:
Structures discussed:
Protecting your intellectual property:
Copyrighted content
Contracts you need to get started with customers/clients and contractors/partners
Plus, bring your questions!
Stephanie, a Wisconsin small business attorney with 27 years of experience, will be ready to we'll tackle them all.
Come learn about everything outlined above plus more and get your questions answered as to how to incorporate, restructure, and protect your venture as you start 2022.
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